Potato Grower

August 2018/IGSA

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1006985

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Page 54 of 55

High-yielding, high-quality potatoes begin with the "Combination Application" – Telone ® II soil fumigant and either Sectagon 42, Vapam HL, K-PAM HL or chloropicrin. No other program provides higher nematode management and greater Verticillium and wireworm management. Plus, by significantly reducing nematode populations, Telone becomes part of an effective long-term nematode management program. High-yielding, high-quality potatoes begin with Telone ® II soil fumigant. Telone creates a zone of protection around roots, providing the highest level of nematode management while also managing wireworms. Plus, by significantly reducing nematode populations, Telone becomes part of an effective long-term nematode management program.

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