Potato Grower

August 2018/IGSA

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1006985

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Page 18 of 55

Q U ES T I ON ON T H E S T R EE TS MARKETING PROGRAMS OVERVIEW One Marketing Budget = Many Successful Marketing Programs See what the Idaho Potato Commission is up to! The Big Idaho Potato Truck is directly compared to the success of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile that has been around since 1935! People love the truck! THAT'S 83 YEARS RODS RACING Athletes racing all over the country to support adoption of Down Syndrome children is a win-win. So far we have helped get 35 orphans to their forever families. • Our title sponsorship has the lowest cost of all 13 ESPN-owned bowls • The average television audience is 2.2 million • Links Potato Bowl with other well-known bowls: Orange, Rose, Cotton, Peach This potato-based local New Year's event makes national and even global news. Rated as one of the Top 5 Things to see dropped on New Year by USA Today. N E W YEA R ' S EVE So effective that hundreds of thousands of people all over the country are still telling the Big Idaho Potato Truck to go home because the farmer is looking for it! With 550 million media impressions, it's no wonder. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TRUCK ON THE ROAD COMMERCIAL AIRING A FULL YEAR OF NATIONAL EXPOSURE For more information on our programs, visit IdahoPotato.com/industryrelations T I ON ON T H E S T R Q U ES T I ON ON T H E S T R EE TS Since 2012 the number one question we still get about the Big Idaho Potato Truck – "Is that potato real?" N A TIONAL COMM ERC IAL CONSUMER A FULL YEAR OF NATIONAL EXPOSURE A FULL YEAR OF NATIONAL EXPOSURE A FULL YEAR OF NATIONAL EXPOSURE A BIG HELPING is the Idaho Potato Commission's chance to help local communities all over the country. For every signature added to our "Big Helping" sign board, $1 is donated (up to $500) to a local charity in the community that the Big Idaho Potato Truck visits. FAMOUS IDAHO ® POTATO TOUR

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