Idaho Falls

2018 Eastern Idaho State Fair Guide

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60 | E A S T E R N I D A H O S T A T E F A I R G U I D E 2 0 1 7 Want a reminder of the Fair's excitement and festive atmosphere to tide you over for next year? If so, you're in luck. The Eastern Idaho State Fair offers a complete line up of memorabilia, including t-shirts, pins, sweatshirts and the annual commemo- rative belt buckle. You can shop online at or check out the goods in person at the Souvenir Shop in Agricultural Building #8. The Eastern Idaho State Fair dates back to 1902, when a group of cattlemen wanted to hold a livestock show in Blackfoot. They got together to purchase some land, and the show was held. The Pocatello Tribune wrote about it as "a great day in the history of Blackfoot." In 1925, the Fair became a four-day event representing three counties. With 16 counties today, Eastern Idaho State Fair is the only multi-county district fair in the state. Now into the 21st Century, the Eastern Idaho State Fair continues to be eastern Idaho's longest run- ning annual event. As of last year, the Fair expanded its run to cover 9 full days of happiness and fun. Nearly 70 food vendors feed hungry visitors favorites such as corn dogs, giant turkey legs, funnel cakes and tiger ears. More than 200 vendors showcase their services throughout the Fair Grounds. For the last several years, attendance has reached an all-time record of roughly 240,000 visitors. A Tradition 116 Years in the Making

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