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WWW.POTATOGROWER.COM 27 Keep your product cool and minimize storage loss COOLER FOR RENT Improving your agribusiness in an intelligent way T. +1 208 401 9217 - The mobile Tolsma SplitCooler is designed to maximize your storage profi t. Rent the TSC for an attractive price. Get in touch with our storage specialists and get informed about thepossibilities. Keep your product cool and minimize storage loss 1959-21TolsmaStorage12h.indd 1 8/1/18 8:29 AM leak. One observation from our research is that shatter bruise susceptibility is positively correlated with leak susceptibility. This means that cultivars that tend to shatter bruise also are more susceptible to leak. Other current research has focused toward chemical control for better management of the disease. However, there is good evidence that either harvesting or immediately cooling tuber pulp temperatures to 55 degrees is one of the most effective management procedures. If cooling is not available, then delay harvest of more susceptible tubers until pulp temperatures are lower. Leak incidence of Russet Norkotah and Russet Burbank averaged across 55-, 60-, 65- and 70-degree tuber pulp temperatures. Different letters above bars represent significance (a = 0.05). Leak incidence of russet cultivars averaged across harvest pulp and early storage temperatures of 55, 60, 65 and 70 degrees. Different letters above bars represent significance (a = 0.05). Leak incidence by pulp temperature averaged across six potato cultivars. Tubers remained at the designated pulp temperatures and maintained at that temperature for four days. Different letters above points represent significance (a = 0.05). Leak incidence of 60- and 70-degree harvest pulp temperature tubers placed at different early storage temperatures. Values are average of four potato cultivars. Error bars represent 95 percent confidence intervals. Andrew Hollingshead is a Ph.D. student at the University of Idaho. Nora Olsen and Mike Thornton are extension potato specialists at UI's Kimberly and Parma R&E Centers, respectively. Jeff Miller is with the independent firm Miller Research LLC, based in Rupert, Idaho. This article was originally distributed as a Potato Progress newsletter for Washington, Oregon and Idaho on May 30, 2018.