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30 / SEPTEMBER.OCTOBER.2018 USICERINKS.COM W hether you're on board with technological advancement in the business or not, there's little doubt your youthful employees, players and parents are. It's become such a part of who we are and how we function—right or wrong—as facility managers and arena employees, it's best practice to be aware of its importance in the industry. Not only should smart social media tactics be employed while marketing your rink and communicating with your patrons (see page 32 for more), you need to be sure your employees are using their best judgments. Don't worry, we're here to help with suggested guidelines to ensure your employees are not only using your rink's social media platforms appropriately, but their own as well. After all, as plenty of pro athletes and public figures have been finding out, a Facebook post or Tweet, no matter how old, can say a lot about a person and their character—and their employability. So tear this out and hang it up on your office wall or company bulletin board to remind employees that social media is great, but knowing how to use it correctly is even greater. 1. Work hours aren't phone hours—know and set limits: I know, I know, phones are attached at people's hips these days, and always within arm's reach. But while at work, strict rules should be in place about how often an employee is 'checking' their phone. Employees should never be paying more attention to their phone than to customers, and preferably the simple rule to set is: work hours aren't phone hours. Keep them in lockers/bags/away. Your Instagram/Twitter/Facebook feeds will be OK for the time being. 2. Keep professional use and personal use separate: Encourage all employees (that are comfortable doing so) to be a part in updating your facility's appropriate social media platforms. And while it might be easy to switch tabs on your Facebook page from professional to personal, try to keep employees on task and off their personal accounts while using the work accounts. You wouldn't want a mishap of posting the wrong message to the wrong account—oftentimes when it does you can't delete it fast enough. 3. Encourage social media use for connections: While you might want to separate personal and professional usage during work hours, remind employees of the benefits to using social media to network within the industry. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are great ways to connect with others in the industry and could lead to the next step in an ice industry career. Don't Tweet That! 7 Tips for Employee Social Media Use // By Jessi Pierce S O C I A L S C E N E