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46 / SEPTEMBER.OCTOBER.2018 USICERINKS.COM ASK RINK You have rink questions, RINK has rink answers Send your rink questions to: INFO@USICERINKS.COM My question is regarding contaminated sand-based rink floors. If the sand is contaminated with large amounts of brine and old paint, would that contamination cause a new paint sheet to look dirty and contain very low opacity? Also, we heard we should crack the sand-based ice before painting the ice white —is this true? Contaminated sand will bleed through and give you gray- looking spots in the new paint. Try to remove as much as possible and replace it with clean-washed masonry sand. As for the old paint, that should not be an issue on the new paint.With regards to cracking the ice, once the ice is built up to the point where you are ready to paint it white, I take out a car or truck and drive it around before painting the ice white. This will crack the ice and get things settled. After this is done, apply another coat or two of water to fill the cracks, and then paint the ice white. Most importantly, you have to saturate the sand thoroughly before you make it cold. Does anybody use or have any good information on Man Down Alarms for ice resurfacer drivers? We have employees at the arena working alone and we are looking for a system that would call the police or our safety and security officers if someone were to fall on the ice and not be able to call on a radio or cell phone. This was a much larger issue be- fore cell phones became common place, however it still remains an issue in the rink industry. We would recommend that anyone working alone have, at a minimum, a working cell phone on their person. If there is a worker that does not have a personal cell phone and is working alone, the facility should provide one during this time. To take the safety of working alone to another level, there are push-button systems available produced by many com- panies that sell industrial worker safety calling devices. We also recommend you consider these tips for employees working alone in the rink. Make sure the person working alone does not perform dangerous tasks like working on the compressors or changing an IR blade with no one in the building. First Aid training is also a good idea. J Q: Make sure your sand is uncontaminated before painting. , Have your cell phone handy in case of emergency. Q: Q: A: A: