Peer to Peer

June 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 5 Peer to Peer from the director I 've been a fan of doing more with less long before the phrase "bailout plan" became part of our vernacular. Necessity is not only the "mother of invention," it's also the big daddy of innovation. And that's what you'll read about in this issue of Peer to Peer. Our contributors are abundant and knowledgeable, and they address innovative ways to do more with less, to keep your staff motivated and to position you and your employer for a smooth landing when the turbulence abates. Web 2.0, SaaS, cloud computing, virtualization — these are just a few of the technologies that facilitate innovation. The bylines in this issue could be a roll call for ILTA's Open Source Software Peer Group, and I appreciate the significant direction by Mark Manoukian and his Steering Committee in rallying the OSS experts among us. If you were privileged to hear our keynoter at last year's annual conference, you'll recall that he spoke passionately about sustainability of companies through a commitment to the preservation of resources and humanity. It's a powerful notion. Thought leader Tim Sanders says, "Innovation is all about creative solutions to pressing problems. During this economic environment, we need to innovate (cut costs without killing quality) to survive. Layoffs are an easy non-innovative way to do that. But at what social, morale, financial and long-term cost?" Well-said. As you take advantage of the great information flowing freely within, reflect on the power of our community to connect and share. ILTA has always been a great stimulus package. Randi Mayes Executive Director ILTA STAFF Administrative RanDi MayEs ExEcutivE DiREctoR cRistin GaffnEy accountinG aDMinistRatoR GRacE PalMa conciERGE - MEMbER sERvicEs aDMinistRatoR Programming and Vendor Relations PEGGy WEchslER PRoGRaM DiREctoR tJ Johnson confEREncE cooRDinatoR KEn hansEn vEnDoR cooRDinatoR JuDy couvillion REGional cooRDinatoR GaynoR sEnyszyn PEER GRouP cooRDinatoR DEb hiMsEl RoaDshoW EvEnts cooRDinatoR anGEla RoaRK aDMinistRativE assistant IT and Online Services clay GibnEy it DiREctoR JEannE MaRtinEz onlinE sERvicEs aDMinistRatoR Publications RanDi MayEs EDitoR-in-chiEf KEnDall MayEs cREativE DEsiGn sPEcialist

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