Payroll Reporter
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November 2018
CRA releases draft CPP amendments
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is proposing to amend Canada
Pension Plan (CPP) regulations to incorporate new rules for calcu-
lating contributions, beginning next year.
It said the changes are necessary to align the regulations with CPP
legislative amendments that will see contribution rates gradually
Financial literacy programs
benefi t employers, employees
Payroll has a role in promoting fi nancial education, say experts
FOR MANY EMPLOYEES, concerns about
personal finances can affect their productiv-
ity at work, says a recent survey by the Cana-
dian Payroll Association (CPA).
The poll of 5,074 Canadian employees
found that 46 per cent said financial stress
was affecting their workplace performance.
For those who work in financial literacy,
this is not a surprise.
"We know money is a leading cause for
concern," said Jane Rooney, financial literacy
leader at the Financial Consumer Agency
of Canada (FCAC), an independent federal
body that promotes financial education.
"What happens is that that comes into the
workplace. Financial stress affects people's
health. They are more distracted at work,
productivity goes down, absenteeism goes
up," she said.
Instead of focusing on work, employ-
ees with money concerns may spend time
see ROUNDUP page 7
Legislative Roundup
Changes in payroll laws and regulations
from across Canada
see CRITICISM page 6
2019 EI rates going
down, but MIE to rise
An overview of recent rate-setting reforms
EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (EI) premium rates are dropping next
year, but the maximum amount on which employees and employ-
ers pay the premiums is rising, the Canada Employment Insurance
Commission (CEIC) recently announced.
As of Jan. 1, the rate for employees outside of Quebec will decrease
from 1.66 per cent to 1.62 per cent. For employees in Quebec, it will
see FOUR page 2
News in Brief pg. 4
2019 EI premium reduction program
rates announced | New EI parental-
sharing benefi t to begin in March |
Feds move forward with Phoenix
Updating the
rules of work pg. 3
Federal government
aims to modernize
labour standards
Ask an Expert pg. 5
Lunch, dinner break
requirements by jurisdiction |
Rules for giving out free
tickets to events