Issue 47 / 2013
Saturday 19th January 2013 @ 21:30 GMT Vox Africa Sky Channel 218
Hip Hop coalesced in west London
on November 25th 2012 as the first
annual UK Hip Hop Honours kicked
off celebrating 30 years of UK Hip
Hop culture. The incredible energy
intensified as the night progressed.
Many of the key players came out to
join in the adulation of some of the
unsung heroes from the UK Hip Hop
scene. Highlights of this landmark
night are not to be missed. Explosive
performances by Ty, Rodney P, Cyni-
kal, Toju and much more. Hosted by
Normski, Jonzi D, T J Chill (Zulu Nation), Geniea Douglas and Sharea
Situated in the stunning Kensington Gardens, and open from 10- 6 each day of the week, this
awesome collection of contemporary artwork will have you both enthralled and inspired.
The Serpentine's current exhibition
until the 27th January is of John
Mekas, a film maker, artist and poet
combining all three media in this exhibition showcasing work from his
prolific sixty year career. He will be
doing a Saturday seminar each week
until the end of his exhibition. This
week will be Chris Fite-Wassilak discussing Jonas Mekas's work in the
context of the figure of the 'benshi'
in early 20th-century Japanese si-
lent cinema. Coming soon will be
exhibitions by Rosemarie Trockel: A
Cosmos, running from the 13th February – 7th April 2013. This will be an
exhibition that juxtaposes the artist's works with a range of objects
and artworks created by others with
which she feels an affinity. After this,
there will be the Ultra-red RE-ASSEMBLY from the 18th – 22nd April
2013. For more information check
out www.serpentinegallery.org