Northshore Magazine

Northshore January/February 2019

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Gillian Bouchie Global Real Estate Advisor 978-985-2441 978-509-8164 McClain Group Global Real Estate Advisors 339-364-1267 "I can honestly say that we didn't spend a minute worrying over the sale of our Rockport home. I pictured it all much differently as the sale on our last home in Connecticut was filled with anxiety. Gillian was absolutely great with this process. She helped with every detail and stayed right on top of things. I felt that I had a friend in Rockport watching my back! Gillian definitely gets 5 stars from us!" Kathy and Bill Rockport Sellers Approachable & family oriented real estate team Long tenured residents with strong insider knowledge of the local communities Unmatched attention to detail and communication with our clients 4 Doyle Cove Road, ROCKPORT | SOLD $560,000 84 Bridge Street, MANCHESTER BY THE SEA New Year, New Home? The holiday hustle and bustle is over and 2018 has come and gone. If the new year has you thinking about buying or selling a home we'd love to help! What you can expect from us:

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