Ward's World Infographics and Guides

Project Design Model Template and Examples

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v.usb Project Design Model - Sample Name of Project: Recycling for Change Today's Date: Month day year Goal(s): To increase the knowledge and skills of rural middle school students in environmental conservation science Inputs/Resources Things you need to conduct the activities to reach the outcomes (e.g., students, teachers, staff, consultants, volunteers, materials, equipment, space, funding Activities The methods and actions you will use to achieve the outcomes (e.g., lessons, laboratories, training, field trips, etc.) Targets (outputs) and Tracking For each activity, list number of attendees expected, planned number of hours, days, sessions, etc. and say how you will track actual numbers Outcomes The benefits, changes, or improvements for students, teachers, community members, etc. that will result from the project. Indicate if outcomes are (S) short-, (I) intermediate-, or (L) long-term. May include target numbers/percentages expected to achieve success. Justify targets in the narrative. Indicators and tools to observe outcomes The data you will collect to show that an outcome has happened (e. g., test scores, pre-post surveys, interviews, etc.) and when you will collect it. *Number of teachers and content area *Number of students and grades *Number of school staff to assist with recyling *Conservation curriculum *Classroom equipment including technology, materials, measures, *Community volunteers *Business partners *Funds for equipment, supplies, marketing materials, and teacher PD *School administrators *School Board *300 6-8 graders will have 25 hours of science related to conservation spread across the school year delivered by 2 science teachers *10 eighth graders will be trained as peer/community mentors for 10 hours in September to deliver mini- lessons on re-cycling to classrooms & the community *10 mini lessons delivered during the school year *300 students work in teams to define and participate in classroom and school recycling activities *10 hours of teacher PD in the science of recycling *Administrators and school board champion the program *Attendance forms for classroom lessons, training for peer mentors, teacher professional development *Classroom and school charts to track student recycling activities *Logs for student mentors to track school and community activities *Logs of administrator and school board meetings where the Recycling for Change project is discussed • *Increased knowledge of community needs (S) • *Increased achievement in science knowledge (L) • *Increased skills in the use of technology (M) • *Increased ability to work in teams (M) • *Decreased trashcan waste in classrooms (M) • *Increased teacher skills in recycling science (M) • *Increased enrollment in STEM classes (L) • *Pre- and post-tests on community needs *Increased scores from last year (by at least 5% point) on 8 th grade science test *Pre-and post- teacher observations of student skills in using technology and teamwork *recycled classroom materials weighed weekly and logged *Pre-and post-tests of teacher knowledge and comfort teaching recycling science Impact/Sustainability: (How the community is impacted and its role in continuing the work): The mini lessons and project progress presented by the students to volunteers and local businesses will demonstrate the value of a school and community partnership in recycling which will lead to increased financial and volunteer support so that school recycling becomes responsibility of the entire community.

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