SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal - June 2019

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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Page 82 of 114

CELEBRATING THE VICTORS After a hard race, teams and winners are awarded By Dan Sanchez Photos by Get Some Photo On Sunday, June 2nd teams gathered at the SCORE Awards ceremony to officially claim their place in history at the 51st SCORE Baja 500. SCORE announcer Rat Sult was the emcee for the event and with the help of the Polaris girls handed out trophies for the first, second and third place finishers in each class. All SCORE racers now move on to prepare for the Lucerna SCORE Baja 400 scheduled for September 18th through the 22nd. The outcome of the race will determine starting positions for the 52nd SCORE Baja 1000 that is scheduled for November 19-24th in Ensenada, Mexico.

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