Idaho Falls

September 2019

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28 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER2019 tion. According to the news release, "Renovations included specialized HVAC for rapid heating; operating rooms are often heated to 85 degrees, for example (burn victims cannot easily regulate their own body temperature); air handling sys- tem to circulate clean air at a much higher rate than typical; advanced UV light sys- tems for infection control, and a whirlpool treatment room." From its opening in April to mid-July, the burn center has seen and treated 82 new burn patients, 241 burn visits/treatments and 27 inpatient admissions to the Burn ICU. This includes both adults and children. "Unfortunately, if you think about kid- dos reaching up into a countertop to get ramen noodles, cup of noodles, and all those things — if you think about it, when you make it, you're making extremely hot water in order to make those things, and unfortunately, (kiddos are) also taking that and bringing it down," said Michael Lemon, medical director for the burn program and a burn surgeon, mimicking grabbing some- thing off of a higher surface and tipping it towards himself. "So, kids are actually spill- ing a lot on their hands and arms, and they also spill a lot on their face and chest." For adults, it varies, but a lot of burns seen on the "upper extremities" because, as Dr. Lemon said, "We're using our hands constantly." EIRMC considers this burn center the next evolution in their ability to care for the community. "Patients should seek the care that they need, even if an injury happened a long time ago, in order to, A, heal correctly, and, B, reduce pain," Niemann said. And for patients in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota, the EIRMC burn center is the place to receive this care. As the burn center at EIRMC continues to treat new and continuing care patients, a gaping whole in the map becomes a little smaller and the healing process becomes a little easier. "So, kids are actually spilling a lot on their hands and arms, and they also spill a lot on their face and chest." Photos by D. Hinckley ENJOY THE OUTDOORS Dr. Daniel K. Hinckley, M.D. 208.522.1764 2065 E 17th Street, Suite A, Idaho Falls Board Certifi ed Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist IF

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