Ward's World Activity Guides

Burning Genes to a CRISPR: A Genetics Activity

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+ ward ' s science 5100 West Henrietta Road • PO Box 92912 • Rochester, New York 14692-9012 • p: 800 962-2660 • wardsci.com Recommended Grade Level(s): Appropriate for: 8th+ Grade Time Requirements: Prep Time: 10 minutes Activity Time: +20 minutes added to parent activity Teaching Topics & Concepts: Gene editing, molecular techniques, DNA, variation of traits, inheritance of traits. Materials: • Ward's Dragon Genetics Activity (470015-364) • Copy of this activity • Scissors • Pencil • Tape Procedure: 1. Cut the genes apart along the lines drawn in the chromosomes (the lines represent specific DNA sequences between each gene). The individual pieces represent a pool of alleles that can be used to replace a corresponding allele in a dragon embryo 2. Select which "free" allele above you want to use to replace a corresponding but different allele in an existing embryo (e.g. "HORN (H)" to replace "horn (h)"). 3. Find the chromosome with the allele you want to replace in an existing dragon embryo (e.g. the one containing "horn (h)"), then place the "free" allele on top in the exact same position. 4. Draw lines on the chromosome underneath—this identifies the specific DNA sequence in the chromosome where CRISP needs to make the cut. 5. Using scissors, cut along the lines—the scissor represents the CRISPR method of cutting at a specific DNA sequence. 6. Remove the old allele and replace with the new one (e.g. HORN (H)), then tape the chromosome back together, and return with the rest of the chromosomes in your embryo. Expected Results: Results may vary based on materials used, setup, procedure, and other factors, however, here are a few examples on what to expect: • Genetically modified dragon Find materials for this activity at wardsci.com. Discover more free activities at wardsworld.wardsci.com Burning Genes to a CRISPR (An Extension to Ward's Dragon Genetics Activity)

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