SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal-November 2019

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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Page 86 of 86

DRIVE RACECARS /// EAT /// REPEAT CABO SAN LUCAS /// ENSENADA WIDEOPEN BAJA.COM 949.635.2292 Picture this: You're behind the wheel of a $100,000+ purpose-built off-road racecar driving at 70 mph over some of the most challenging yet exciting terrain in North America. Suddenly, a small ridge is approaching fast and you feel a rush of adrenaline as you hit the throttle and lift off, soaring through the air like a professional Baja racer. As you revel in the incredible gravity-defying moment, you peer over the front of the open-wheeled buggy to see the ground rapidly approaching. You're committed now; there's no time to ponder the landing. For those of us in the racing world, this view of Baja is a common experience, though it never gets old. never gets old. SHORT TOURS /// M ULTI-DAY ADVENTURES ORIGINAL OFF-ROAD DRIVING ADVENTURE SINCE 1997

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