SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal-December 2019

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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A NEW BAJA CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR PRESIDES OVER THE SCORE BAJA 1000 Photos by Jack Wright  One of the important pre-race events that took place before the 52nd BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 1000 Presented by 4 Wheel Parts, was the introduction of the new Governor of the state of Baja California. As of November 1, 2019 Baja California was governed by new State and Municipal Governments all belonging to the same political party under the leadership and coordination of Jaime Bonilla Valdez. A native of Tijuana, Mexico, Bonilla Valdez was raised in the popular neighborhood of Colonia Libertad, and is a successful media businessman turned politician that has experienced tremendous political success.  Within five years, Bonilla Valdez was elected as a Federal Congressman, then as Senator of the Republic. He was later named as Coordinator of the new Federal Government in Baja California by the President of Mexico to finally take over the reins of the Governor’s office after winning the election held this past June, as the candidate of the National Regeneration Movement Party (Morena). A practical and action minded individual, Governor Bonilla Valdez has made public safety, equal opportunities for all social classes, and sustainable economic development his main priorities. Included among the economic objectives of the new state government, specifically in the Tourism field, is the support of various tourism events that take place in Baja California including SCORE International races.  With an unprecedented presence for a State Governor at a SCORE Baja 1000 race, Governor Bonilla Valdez, accompanied by Ensenada Mayor Armando Ayala and Mexican Federal Government representative Nicolas Cano, attended a private dinner-meeting with sponsors and SCORE International representatives on Thursday, November 21st. The next day he presided the spectacular hoisting ceremony of the Monumental Flag by the Mexican Army and proceeded to unveil two new tiles added to the Off-Road Walk of Fame recognizing SCORE Baja 1000 Champions Apdaly Lopez and Roger Norman.  Governor Bonilla Valdez also witnessed the signing of the Strategic Alliance Agreement between the Mexican Federal Secretary of Tourism and SCORE International, which will promote the MEXICO promotional brand and the many Tourism attractions of the country as well as the SCORE races both in Mexico and abroad.  On Saturday morning, along with the Mayor of Ensenada, Federal Government dignitaries, and private sector representatives, the Governor gave a symbolic green flag at the start of the race to the new Ford Bronco R. During these events, Governor Bonilla Valdez recognized the long-standing tradition of SCORE races, the economic benefits, and world-wide promotion they provide for Ensenada, San Felipe, and the rest of Baja California. He also pointed out that during his administration they will provide all the necessary conditions and support for the continued growth of all four SCORE races held in Baja California. SJ

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