Potato Grower

February 2020

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1202142

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Page 22 of 55

WWW.POTATOGROWER.COM 23 By Tyrell Marchant Storytellers brand of fresh potatoes can be seen in grocery stores across the country. Each farm maintains its own sales team and has a fairly clearly defined sales territory, but each communicates with the others to ensure customer needs are met any time, any place. Having actual growers as owners of the farms enables a level of traceability from one end of the supply chain to the other that many other sellers simply can't replicate. "When you put all 8 farms together," says Triou, "it truly knits together a comprehensive offering that, frankly, is unparalleled in the industry, yet remains at its core a private, direct from the farm operation." That mindset has informed the production of Fresh Solutions Network's latest advertising campaign, which has been dubbed "Grown Where It Matters." With an acute understanding of consumers' thirst for knowledge about the origins of their food, the Fresh Solutions folks are leveraging the individuality of their farmers to slake that thirst. When Triou talks about the farmers of Fresh Solutions Network, it's with an earnest sincerity that would make even the hardiest anti-aggie believe in the innate goodness of the American potato grower. Each sack of potatoes has a story to tell, and Triou and her growers intend to tell it. "To a lot of people, the story about the farmer has become just as important as the quality of the product itself," says Triou. "People crave a glimpse into the farm and into the psyche of the farmer, hoping to see the passion they want in someone who produces the food they're feeding to their children." Triou, accompanied by a videographer armed with a 360-degree camera, visited and interviewed each of her growers in their own fields and presented a simple request: Tell us your story. From these interviews, interactive 360-degree YouTube videos were created, as well as a longer-form, more in-depth podcast series. Starting this year, consumers will be pointed to "Grown Where It Matters" videos of growers in their region by Kwik-Lok tags on each bag of Side Delights potatoes and through a robust social media and digital marketing program. sidedelights.com/who-we-are/

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