SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SCORE DECADE OF E XCELLENCE 2010-2019 DECADE OF EXCELLENCE EXPANDS SCORE WORLD DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRESS DEEP INTO 21ST CENTURY BY DOMINIC CLARK, SCORE MEDIA OPERATIONS DIRECTOR A s SCORE enters a new decade, it has seen many milestones and successes. "SCORE is the standard for the sport of desert racing world-wide and this past decade saw SCORE increase its reach and impact significantly," said Jim Ryan, SCORE Marketing and Sales Director. "SCORE has initiated and implemented several expanded safety resources and education which are both key elements for the growth of our sport and series. The SCORE World Desert Championship continues to attract the world's best racers, not only from desert racing, but also Formula 1, NASCAR, Indy Car, Sports Car racing and Dakar Rally racing. In these past 10 years we have made tremendous progress in developing our live streaming capabilities, technology for the race vehicles and introducing an expansive digital media presence led by the award- winning SCORE Journal online monthly digital magazine." SCORE JOURNAL 13

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