Aligning Law Firm Fee Strategies with KM
milestones are reached. These projects, however, also present inevitable “change events.” For example, when remodeling the second floor shower, the easy path might be to keep the water circulation path the same and just replace old pipes with new ones. This will get you water. But will the results align with the
W 26 Knowledge Management ILTA White Paper
hen faced with a remodeling project, a homeowner expects the general contractor to deliver project plans, a budget and expense reports as project
way you want to live, or will you live to align with the way your house is configured? Stepping back from the daily flow of decisions
allows the homeowner and contractor to consider together better alternatives. Changing the hot water circulation so that it starts on the upper floor can provide a novel source of heat (plus a much improved shower experience on a cold winter morning.) Viewing change events as opportunities — not unwelcome challenges — positions one to re- engineer the way things work.