Idaho Falls

East Idaho Outdoors – April 2020

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14 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE APRIL 2020 WILDLIFE - WILD LANDS - WILD LAUGHS MY PLACE AMONG MEN Misadventures in the Wild by Kris Millgate In her memoir, Kris Millgate offers an authoritative and balanced look at history-making environmental news stories while lending emotional insight into an industry dominated by men in a time when the shift toward outdoor exploration for all is catching fi re. My Place Among Men is the story of how one young woman, brought up in the schoolhouse of the wild, becomes an ultimate force to be reckoned with—a mother, a wife, a journalist whose work leads her to the ultimate discovery: fi nding her place among men is truly about fi nding her place in the wild. $16.99 paperback/$7.99 ebook Order your copy at: "Her story leaves me wanting to dance on a dirt road in the worst kind of way. Without a doubt Kris Millgate has found her place among ... us all." — Rebecca Casper, Idaho Falls Mayor "A blueprint for the next generation of brave, caring young women to make a di erence in the outdoors." — Bruce Reichert, Idaho Public Television executive producer " is remarkable book is a testament to human perseverance, both personal and professional. It's also a testament to the healing powers of America's wild places. Above all, it's a call to live life on your terms and to savor every bit of it." — Slaton L. White, Field & Stream contributing editor

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