Idaho Falls

East Idaho Outdoors – April 2020

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42 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE APRIL 2020 Going in circles, never so much fun BY LANE LINDSTROM, DIRT TOYS MAGAZINE Most anyone who enjoys riding their ATVs, side-by-sides or dirt bikes will agree that a loop trail is usually more fun than an out-and-back trail. Well, there will be much rejoicing this summer when dirt enthusiasts get to ride the impressive and expansive 200-mile plus Caribou Loop Trail (CLT) that covers vast tracts of land in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming. The key piece—years in the works by private and government entities—is a 70-foot bridge and connector trail along Idaho Highway 34 about 8 miles east of Wayan, ID. That bridge, which crosses Tincup Creek, and connector trail links Lanes Creek Cutoff Road and Tincup/Bridge Creek Road, liter- ally bridging two vast OHV trails that join Idaho and Wyoming trail systems. The new connector trail and bridge means dirt enthusiasts have a safe, off-road specific section that allows them to avoid having to ride that little stretch of highway to get from Lanes Creek Cutoff Road and Tincup/ Bridge Creek Road. The connector trail is just 4,300 feet (.8 miles) long but makes a world of difference when it comes to safety. Encompasses 200 Miles The Caribou Loop Trail now encompasses 200 plus miles of county dirt roads and trails that cover farm and ranch land, high desert, rolling hills and forested mountains. In fact, perhaps one of the greatest attrac- tions of the Caribou Loop Trail is the sheer variety of terrain and topography. No one will get bored with the riding or the scenery anywhere along this loop. The bridge was actually finished and open to off-road traffic in September, 2019, but there is an official grand opening slated for July 18th at the new bridge crossing. To give you a brief idea of the variety of terrain and scenery you will encounter on this trail, we'll pick a spot on the Caribou Loop Trail and share some of the highlights. Let's start near Herman, ID, which is on the northern edge of the Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and head south. The trail skirts along the edge of the wild- life refuge in Idaho's Bonneville County and then crosses into Caribou County. This area is high desert and ranch land along rolling hills. Not long after you get into Caribou County is the new bridge over Tincup Creek and the connector trail. The trail goes through Upper Valley, Caribou Loop Trail PHOTOS BY LANE LINDSTROM AND MARVIN GUZMAN

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