SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SCORE International Resets for 2020 Racing Season We are extremely happy to be able to present this issue’s 52nd BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 500 Presented by 4 Wheel Parts preview issue! For the past six months we have all been living in a world of dealing with the many unknowns brought about from the Covid-19 situation, which has impacted our normal way of life here in the U.S. and around the world. As we go live with this issue, the factors that will make racing in Baja, MX, will once again be a reality. See more details from the SCORE International’s Ensenada based SCORE President and Race Director Jose Grijalva, and General Manager Juan Tintos, on how this is now possible and the bio-protocols that are now necessary for all SCORE staff, teams and visiting fans. Jose, Juan and staff have been dealing with the representatives from city, state and federal government agencies along with representatives from the hotel and restaurant associations to make sure all aspects for COVID compliance protocols will be met to make sure the 52nd BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 500 Presented by 4 Wheel Parts has a safe and successful outcome. See this insightful interview for the State of Affairs as SCORE continues on with the 2020 Season. Another aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic, is its effect on the SCORE community. One of these incidents impacted long time SCORE team support member, Hector Reynoso. After a 30 day stay in a San Diego Hospital ICU, Hector’s family and friends shared their “drive by” celebration with his SCORE off-road team members and family friends. See this great heartwarming look in the News section, at how the SCORE community and others made possible this uplifting experience for Hector. As we continue to recognize the SCORE classes’ great histories and participants, we are pleased to enlighten the SCORE Journal’s reader base on the unique IRONMAN Motorcycle class and their special challenges and stories that bring that insightful information for those who might want to join this extra special group of competitors. Enjoy the issue and see you at the Races. Jim SCORE Journal Marketing & Sales Director Publisher Jim Ryan Editorial DS Media LLC Dan Sanchez Mike Vieria Larry Saavedra Taylor Vlahos Contributors Stuart Bourdon Jack Wright nMedia3 GM Sales & Digital Operations DerDiZ Media Inc. Todd Horne Creative Director DerDiZ Media Inc. Ashley Hanks Horne SCORE Staff Dominic Clark, SCORE Media Operations Art Eugenio SCORE Official Photographer Cover photo GET SOME PHOTO PUBLISHED BY SCORE MARKETING LLC 465 South Meadows Parkway #6 Reno, NV 89521, 775-852-8907 Cover and contents are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in any form or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

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