KCM Australia

Digital Partner Letter May 2021

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at www.freevictory.com.

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WATCH FAITH, 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK ON 16 YOU OPEN YOUR HAND AND SATISFY EVERY LIVING THING WITH FAVOR. Our GOOD GOD is not tightfisted. His hands are always open. He's the Great Giver! He so loved the world that He gave His very best—JESUS! Verse 19 says, 19 HE WILL FULFILL THE DESIRES OF THOSE WHO REVERENTLY AND WORSHIPFULLY FEAR HIM; HE ALSO WILL HEAR THEIR CRY AND WILL SAVE THEM. What then does all this mean to you and me as new covenant believers? The message that Peter preached at Cornelius' house in Acts 10:38 was: Isn't that GOOD? 38 HOW GOD ANOINTED JESUS OF NAZARETH WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND WITH POWER: WHO WENT ABOUT DOING GOOD, AND HEALING ALL THAT WERE OPPRESSED OF THE DEVIL; FOR GOD WAS WITH HIM. Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, went about doing GOOD and healing. "But, Brother Copeland, that was Jesus." No. Look at the rest of that verse: "FOR GOD (who is GOOD) was with HIM!" GOD (who is GOOD) anointed Jesus. God (who is GOOD) wants you well. The Apostle John said it like this in 3 John 2 (AMPC): 2 BELOVED, I PRAY THAT YOU MAY PROSPER IN EVERY WAY AND [THAT YOUR BODY] MAY KEEP WELL, EVEN AS [I KNOW] YOUR SOUL KEEPS WELL AND PROSPERS. WATCH ON GOVICTORY.COM OR ON THE GO VICTORY APP

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