Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee Island

Visit Tybee Media Kit

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8 SILVER PACKAGE 2021 Visit Tybee Advertising GOLD PACKAGE PLATINUM PACKAGE $3,000.00 PER YEAR $1,950.00 PER YEAR $795.00 PER YEAR Featured Business Listing 1 Custom email *limited to 12 per year 1 Hero Sponsor placement in E-Newsletter 1 Featured Partner placement in E-Newsletter 8x Social Media posts throughout the year 1 Sponsored article per year *limited to 24 per year Native Ads with 75,000 guaranteed impressions/ views Featured Business Listing 1 Hero Sponsor placement in E-Newsletter 4x Social Media posts throughout the year 1 Social Media promoted post Native Ads with 40,000 guaranteed impressions/ views Featured Business Listing 4x Social Media posts throughout the year 1 Featured Partner placement in E-Newsletter A La Carte FEATURED BUSINESS LISTING $600/ YEAR FEATURED BUSINESS E-NEWSLETTER $100/ MONTH HERO SPONSOR IN E-NEWSLETTER $300/ MONTH CUSTOM E-NEWSLETTER $400/ EMAIL *limited to 12 per year SPONSORED ARTICLE $600/ ARTICLE *limited to 24 per year FACEBOOK PROMOTED POST/AD $500 EACH CONTACT INFO: KIM WEBSTER | O: 912.644.6471 | M: 912.675.1001 | KWEBSTER@VISITTYBEE.COM 8

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