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CONTENTS Volume 39 Issue 8 12 2 Potato Grower | AUGUST 2010 10 ON THE COVER: Jeff Sommers, a Wysocki Farm management partner in Plainfield, Wis., inspects a plant and finds stronger, healthier and more productive crops due to Stoller products over the past 15 years. AUGUST 2010 FEATURES 10 ALWAYS LOOKING FOR AN EDGE Stoller products offer yield-enhancing benefits to Wisconsin operation 12 UI WEED SCHOOL The latest from Aberdeen DIGGIN’ IN 14 ‘INSIDE THE LRP’ Increasing demand with new uses, channels, markets 18 TACKLING NEMATODES LONG TERM WSU, OSU flank a growing problem 20 THROWING A SPIT BALL Doubling production with insect saliva 22 GOAL: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS ARS scientists fighting blight and post- harvest loss COLUMNS 4 FROM THE FIELD 26 IDAHO POTATO COMMISSION 27 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO 28 UNITED POTATO GROWERS OF AMERICA 29 UNITED STATES POTATO BOARD DEPARTMENTS 6 MEET THE EXPERTS 7 CALENDAR 8 AROUND THE VINE 30 FINAL PASS