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CONVENTION INFORMATION COntents 6 President’s message 8 Chairman’s message 9 PaC thank you 10 Convention schedule 11 Convention sponsors 12 Russet aristocrat—George Crapo 16 Industry Luncheon—bruce Peterson 19 board of directors Photos 20 mexico marketing 22 Parting shot COnVentIOn COmmIttee Convention Chairman bRIan JOnes, convention chair, sun Valley Potatoes, Paul CaLVIn butLeR, GPOd of Idaho, shelley steVe tHORne, taylor Produce, Rigby bLaIne HeIneR, taylor Produce, Rigby bRIt WHIte, Potandon Produce, LLC, Idaho Falls JeFF RIGGs, Idaho Package Co., Idaho Falls Les adLeRete, L&m Companies, Idaho Falls R.J. andRus, Idahoan, Lewisville RObeRt tOmInaGa, south Wind Farms, Heyburn tOdd CORneLIsOn, IPC, eagle GOLF ROb Hansen Volm bag Company Idaho Falls CHRIs Lee Idaho Package Co. Idaho Falls JOn WebsteR Webster Produce Rigby bOWLInG JeFF RIGGs Idaho Package Co. Idaho Falls IGsa PResIdent tRaVIs bLaCkeR HORsesHOes tOm LuGO mercury Plastics Co. Idaho Falls tRaP sHOOtInG tOdd bOLtOn agri-stor Companies blackfoot IdaHO GROWeR sHIPPeRs assOCIatIOn aCtIVItIes LadIes Jeanne tHORne taylor Produce, Rigby 705 John adams Parkway P.O. box 51100 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 Phone: (208) 529-4400 4 IGSA 2010 | staFF and OFFICeRs CHaIRman OF tHe bOaRd OF dIReCtORs steVe tHORne VICe CHaIRman brian Jones seCRetaRy-tReasuReR dean Gibson membeRs OF tHe bOaRd Clay Gustaveson dave beesley Peggy Grover Rob Hansen Ryan bybee Robert tominaga IGSA “Idaho Potatoes...Safe and Sustainable Food for Today and Tomorrow”