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PAC Thank You Idaho Potato Industry Political Action Committee 2010 election report THE IDAHO POTATO INDUSTRY POLITICAL ACTION Committee did very well in the primary election this spring. We donated $6,800 to 21 candidates, 20 of whom had primary opponents. Of these only two long- time incumbent senators, to whom we donated a total of $300, lost their primary bid. We were very pleased that Justice Roger Burdick won his election. The PAC is prepared to donate a significantly larger amount to aid friends of agriculture in the general election. If any of you have suggestions or requests for donations to specific candidates, please contact Keith Esplin of PGI at 208-243-1824 or Travis Blacker of IGSA at 208-529-4400. The PAC committee would like to thank everyone that sponsored the banquet or made donations to the fundraising auction held after the PGI banquet last January during the Potato Conference in Pocatello. A special thanks also goes to all those that attended and bought auction items, or even helped bid up the value of the items being auctioned. Over $17,000 was raised at this event. The Idaho Potato Industry PAC is only allowed to donate to state candidates in Idaho. We do, however, help raise funds for the national POPAC and have helped them raise thousands of dollars over the past couple of years. We encourage everyone involved in the Idaho potato industry to support the industry’s PAC and be involved in the election process. Please thank these donors, banquet sponsors and auction purchasers that made our most recent fundraiser a success: Sincerely, Idaho Potato Industry PAC Keith Esplin Travis Blacker Co-administrators purChasers P.J. Stevens (Potandon) Jeff Bragg (Potandon) Jim Tiede Mike Telford Clen Atchley Koompin Farms Tom Howell Darla Hoff Dan Moss Mark Coombs Pat Kole Todd Cornelison Kelly Dance Deb Tiede James Hoff Riley Higby Rob Webster Ray Matsuura Janet Webster Keith Esplin Randy Weatley Shannon Telford Gary Fuhriman Tim O’Connor Rob Hopp Paris Penfold Jeff Bragg Ray Hess Donors anD sponsors 1, 4 Group & IVI— Mike Frelleson, 887-9766 ChrIstIansen Implement— Jeff Hare, 678-5585 Western states equIpment— Saul Grastheit, 220-0896 pIoneer equIpment— Zane Hansen, 785-0008 Dupont— Bob Jenks, 680-1480 BasF—Ron Ellis, 431-6776 amVaC ChemICal— Michael Bell, 316-2355 Bayer— Dave Wynn, 317-6082; Brad Schatt, 680-6982 synGenta—Allen Landon, 522-1651 GoWan—Scott Kerbs, 867-4543 northWest aGrICultural proDuCts— Dave Vance, 785-4587 maDIson County Implement— Gary Fitzsimmons, 356-5414 sun Valley resort— Brent Gillette, 622-2168 les sChWaB—Gary Bair, 522-2132 BInGham CooperatIVe—Dave Johnson teton seeD marketInG assoCIatIon—Fred Doormaier ashton seeD GroWers assoCIatIon potato GroWer maGazIne— Tyler J. Baum, 542-2259 DouBle m sImplot GroWer solutIons lamB Weston sImplot Volm BaG Company traVIs BlaCker russell mItChell southWInD Farms GroWers natIonal Coop DoW aGrosCIenCes, telone DIVIsIon— Brad Young, 509-521-6552 speCtra proDuCtIons Valley equIpment—Pete Becker harrIs Dental zIon’s Bank—Bill Cathrae Jane hoFF koompIn Farms kelly Bean, Burley Darla anD saVannah hoFF roCky mountaIn maChInery Co. potato GroWers oF IDaho— Keith Esplin, 243-1824 IDaho GroWer shIpper assoCIatIon— Travis Blacker, 529-4400 9