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Meet the Experts CONTRIBUTORS DAVID FAIRBOURN David Fairbourn is manager of industry communications and policy at the United States Potato Board in Denver. The mission of the USPB is to help provide U.S. producers with expanding markets for their production. Fairbourn can be contacted at (303) 369-7783 or via email at NORA OLSEN Nora Olsen is an extension potato specialist and associate extension professor with the University of Idaho. She is recognized for, among other areas of study, her expertise in storage management. Nora holds a Ph.D. from Washington State University and is stationed in Twin Falls, Idaho. Call her at (208) 736-3621 or send an email to FRANK MUIR Frank Muir is the president and CEO of the Idaho Potato Commission. Headquartered in Eagle, Idaho, the Commission is a state organi- zation for the promotion of Idaho Potatoes, a focus the group has had a hand in for over 70 years. Visit, call (208) 334-2350 or send an email to FRED REHRMAN Fred Rehrman grew up on a row crop farm near Sacramento. He now owns Elysian Fields, an agricultural communications company, based in Woodland, Calif., founded in 1996. Fred writes on pest control topics throughout the Western U.S. in crops such as potatoes, almonds, grapes, leafy vegetables, citrus and rice. His photos have appeared in more than 20 different magazines. PHILLIP NOLTE Known for his seed production research, Phillip Nolte is an extension profes- sor, seed potato pathology with the University of Idaho. He is a Ph.D. graduate of North Dakota State University and works at the Idaho Falls Research and Extension Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Contact him at (208) 529-8376 or pnolte@ BUZZ SHAHAN Buzz Shahan grew up in Arizona on a cotton and chip potato farm. After graduating from college, he and his wife, Susan, purchased a farm in Idaho where they grew seed potatoes for 13 years, then returned to chip and fresh potato production in his hometown, Queen Creek, Ariz. In the fresh market, Buzz managed the sales desk for 600 acres of table stock and eight-hundred acres of chipping potatoes. He served on the USPB as the chairman of the Policy and Management, Industry Outreach and Finance committees. Buzz and Susan have six daughters and 22 grandchildren. TIM O’CONNOR Tim is president and CEO of the United States Potato Board, based in Denver, Colo. Tim also worked for the beef industry for 12 years, and was part of the teams that launched the “BEEF. It’s What’s for Dinner” campaign and opened the Japanese market for U.S. beef exports. Tim has completed the Harvard Graduate School of Business Competition and Strategy program. He has worked in food and agricultural marketing and business consulting for more than 30 years. MIKE THORNTON Mike Thornton is the super- intendent of the Southwest Idaho Research and Extension Centers for the University of Idaho. Cropping systems, diseases and potato breeding and genetics are his areas of focus. He has a Ph.D. from UI and his office is located in Parma, Idaho. To reach Thornton, call (208) 722-6701 ext. 211 or email him at WWW.POTATOGROWER.COM 5 FIND THIS MAGAZINE ONLINE