Potato Grower

November 2021

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1420202

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Page 19 of 39

20 POTATO GROWER | NOVEMBER 2021 PRECISION AG PRECISION AG BUYERS' GUIDE EarthScout GBC • (877) 443-7632 • www.earthscout.com Valley Irrigation • www.valleyirrigation.com EarthScout Sensing Technology In an effort to provide growers with predictive, real-time field data to help them better manage their time and resources, EarthScout GBC has entered the precision agriculture field. Over the past four years, EarthScout's team of leading agronomists, precision agriculturalists and technologists worked alongside growers to develop an in-field sensing technology that collects predictive micro- climate and soil data and shares it wirelessly via a mobile app. The technology measures real-time above- and below-ground growing conditions 24 hours a day, providing growers with the information they need to drive higher yields, reduce input costs and enhance land stewardship. EarthScout currently offers 19 unique and highly durable sensors for outdoor field and indoor greenhouse use that monitor soil moisture, temperature and salinity as well as air temperature, humidity, solar radiation and much more. In addition to providing growers with visibility to real-time and historic trend data related to these metrics, EarthScout also has a team of grow coaches who are plant physiologists, plant pathologists, soil scientists and agronomists who work with growers on how best to gather, analyze and leverage that data. Valley 365 Valley 365 connects to Valley Insights, which virtually scouts for crop health concerns related to water application, pests, disease, weeds and more through varied acquisition methods including aerial imagery and pivot-mounted sensors. Using artificial intelligence (AI), Valley Insights provides early detection and enhanced scouting, so growers can make fast and informed decisions during critical stages of crop development. Valley Insights eliminates guesswork when it comes to fertilizer and water application. Rather than trying to pinpoint quality issues visually, growers receive proactive notifications so they know precisely where issues occur, and they can intercede with the appropriate actions to maintain crop health. Valley Irrigation is continuously innovating technology to meet the needs of growers. Through the most recent enhancements, Pump Command is now available in Valley 365 for intuitive control of water pressure during irrigation. Water Level Management is reporting at its best so growers can see the crop is receiving exactly the right amount of water. This saves growers fuel and labor by reducing trips to the field to check on pumps and irrigation systems. Agriculture is changing. That's no secret. For well over a century, this industry has been at the bleeding edge of technological advancements, and the rate of advancement just seems to keep increasing. Here, you'll find several products that will give you a leg up by providing a deeper look at your farm, your crops and your practices.

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