Potato Grower

Idaho Annual 2021

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"I'm hesitant to take much credit for the success of this farm," says Conn Crapo. "A lot of people laid the foundation for me, and it takes a lot of good people to keep this thing going." It's an absolutely gorgeous fall day on the banks of Canyon Creek, about nine miles east of Newdale, Idaho—just the kind of day you'd draw up if you were in charge of weather for potato harvest. A considerable number of the good people to whom Crapo deflects praise are buzz around the immediate area: Voices crackle over the radio, plugging holes and conferring on the fly. Tractors and harvesters steadily make their way up and down the hilly fields. Loaded trucks kick up dust as they make their way to the cellar. Deft hands remove debris from conveyor belts. Crapo is there, overseeing it all, but calmly trusting the good people he's surrounded by at Skyline Farms. Crapo's father, George, started growing commercial potatoes in nearby Parker in 1968. In 1980, he made a gut decision to 12 POTATO GROWER | IDAHO ANNUAL 2021 It's Not ME, It's YOU Seed Grower of the Year r Skyline Farms' Conn Crapo By Tyrell Marchant

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