2021 King Shocks Catalog

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When you choose to ride on Kings you can rest assured you will KDYHWKH¿QHVWVKRFNVDYDLODEOH$VHWRI.LQJ3HUIRUPDQFH5DFH series shocks, are all you need to make your suspension perform to its full potential. 100% made in the USA under the strictest tolerances from the highest quality materials obtainable. Easily tunable and serviceable with simple hand tools. King's Performance Race series shocks are brimming with technological breakthroughs conceived during strenuous testing in the harshest environments. Utilizing only the highest quality materials and strict precision tolerances they deliver XQSDUDOOHOHGSHUIRUPDQFH2XUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIÀXLGG\QDPLFVDQGSLVWRQGHVLJQKDVFUHDWHGXQPDWFKHGOHYHOVRIULGH quality and superior control. :HRIIHUDZLGHUDQJHRIVKRFNW\SHVDQGFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVVXFKDVE\SDVVVKRFNVFRLORYHUVVPRRWKERGLHVZLWKUHVHUYRLU RUSXUHHPXOVLRQ2XUVKRFNVGRQ¶WVLWRQDVKHOIORRNLQJIRUDKRPHEXWLQVWHDGDUHFXVWRPPDGHIRU\RXU DSSOLFDWLRQ$OORXUVKRFNVDUHHDVLO\WXQDEOHZLWKVLPSOHWRROVWRSURYLGHWKHOHYHORIGDPSLQJ\RXQHHG PERFORMANCE RACE SERIES 3(5)250$1&(5$&(6(5,(6 ´[´&2,/29(5 :,7+5(027(5(6(592,5 +LJKTXDOLW\¿WWLQJVDUHPDWHGWR$HURTXLSKLJKSUHVVXUHKRVHV when remote reservoirs are used, which resist abrasion and allow a tighter bend radius without kinking like braided stainless or cloth lines do. Lightweight hard anodized 6063 aluminum alloy reservoirs dissipate heat quickly and will not rust due to gas charging contamination. Shock cylinders are precision bored to within +/- .001, then honed after zinc plating to remove buildup for a tight piston seal and optimum valving function. Coilover shocks are machined with our own truncated thread design for ultimate strength and trouble free spring adjustments. The heat treated 6061 aluminum alloy piston has our highly GHYHORSHGSRUWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVWKDWFRQWULEXWHWRWKHIDPRXVNLQJ damping performance. +HDWWUHDWHGVWDLQOHVVDOOR\YDOYHVKLPVKDYHDXQLTXHJUDLQVWUXFWXUH that does not fracture and remains stable at high temperatures. Wear bands are made from an exclusive Rulon composite that wears longer than any other material available. Large 3/4" or 7/8" diameter shafts have a minimum tensile strength of 100,000 pounds per square inch. They are hard chromed and micro- SROLVKHGWRD5$¿QLVKIRUH[WHQGHGVHDOOLIH $OXPLQXPFRPSRQHQWVDUHPDFKLQHGIURPDLUFUDIWTXDOLW\ELOOHW 6WHHO7HÀRQOLQHGVSKHULFDOEHDULQJVIRUVPRRWKDUWLFXODWLRQDQGORQJ life with no metal to metal contact. PERFORMANCE RACE 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 2.5 DIAMETER 2.0 DIAMETER 3.0 DIAMETER EXT 19 23 27.05 31.585 35.585 39.5 ----- EXT 20 24 28.375 32.65 37.25 42 46 EXT ----- 24.70 28.70 32.70 37.45 42.40 46.95 COMP 13 15 17.05 19.585 21.585 23.6 ----- COMP 14 16 18.375 20.65 23.25 26 28 COMP ----- 16.70 18.70 20.70 23.45 26.20 28.95 24

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