Potato Grower

February 2022

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1443765

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Page 17 of 47

18 POTATO GROWER | FEBRUARY 2022 BUYERS' GUIDE IRRIGATION There's not much prettier than a beautiful, green field being watered, the summer sun hitting the spray and making a rainbow that follows you as you drive past. But there's a lot more to getting a good crop than just pumping water on your field with whatever equipment is cheapest and most readily available. Our buyers' guide features some of the most innovative irrigation equipment on the market, custom-made for your farm's success. Ceres Imaging • (888) 704-9398 • www.ceresimaging.net Irrigation Optimization Suite Ceres Imaging has released a new irrigation optimization product bundle, strategically positioned to help growers make precision irrigation easier and more efficient. The new irrigation optimization solution integrates soil moisture sensors and other in-field data with Ceres's imagery. Integration between different technologies is the next step of the precision irrigation evolution. The irrigation optimization suite provides powerful solutions to optimize limited water sources in times of drought. Imagery provides precise data about the health of crops across your operation. Sensors help growers see constant, real-time data for a single location of their farms. Seeing in-field sensor data and imagery together shows the full picture of a farmer's irrigation strategy, from application to its impact on a crop. Growers can now use Ceres Imaging's sensor integrations to better understand the water applied to fields and spot issues, errors and discrepancies faster, putting precious time back in their day.

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