Potato Grower

March 2022

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1453947

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Page 13 of 47

T here are a lot of things in our modern world that we often simply accept as a matter of fact, without a thought as to how they made their way to us. We could wax on about any number of contemporary niceties, but for the moment, let's take a page out of How It's Made's book and fo- cus on something that has aided mankind (with very little need for technolog- ical advancement) for centuries: chains. As this is a magazine about potatoes and agriculture, we make no claim to being chain manufacturing experts, so we'll keep this particular analogy short. A quick YouTube search proves enlightening: Though manufactured mostly by robots today, heavy chain is forged in much the same way as it was 150 years ago. Along its journey from thick wire STRONGEST L NK THE How AMVAC is ensuring the ag chem supply chain reaches growers By Tyrell Marchant 14 POTATO GROWER | MARCH 2022

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