Potato Grower

March 2022

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/1453947

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Always read and follow label directions. MANZATE, PRO-STICK, PENNCOZEB, UPL, the UPL logo and OpenAg are trademarks of a UPL Corporation Limited Group Company. ©2022 UPL Corporation Limited Group Company. MZPS-2201C An important part of any potato disease management program is the inclusion of MANZATE ® PROSTICK ™ or PENNCOZEB ® 75DF Fungicides. As market leaders, not only do they provide dependable early and late blight control, but you don't have to worry about disease resistance after continued use. In fact, they should be the foundation of any fungicide program to help manage resistance of other fungicides. After decades of use, there have been zero documented cases of resistance. That's not something all fungicide brands can claim. Talk to your UPL representative to learn more, or visit manzateprostick.com. ZERO ZIP ZILCH ZIPPO NIL NADA GOOSE EGG BUPKIS Exactly the number of documented cases of resistance in potatoes. FUNGICIDE MANZATE ® PRO-STICK ™ FUNGICIDE PENNCOZEB ® DF

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