KCM Australia

BVOV Magazine June 2022

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at www.freevictory.com.

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B V O V : 1 1 Copeland's little Cessna 310. We checked in the hotel in Birmingham, and the first night he said, "I want you to meet me in my room at 6 in the morning, and we're going to pray together and just see what we hear from God regarding these things." I was really excited because it was the first time that he had actually invited me to participate in his prayer time. I had seen him pray publicly in meetings, but I had never been invited to be in the same room with him during his private prayer time. Usually, he isolated himself during his prayer time. Prayer Time with Kenneth Copeland The next morning we met at 6, and he said, "Let's just begin praying in the spirit. If you get anything from God, you just go ahead and speak it out." We started praying in the spirit. I was sitting there kind of in a corner in that hotel room, and I noticed Brother Copeland knelt down by his bed and had his notebook and his Bible out. He prayed in the spirit, and then he flipped through pages of the Bible every once in a while. I thought, That looks good. So I got down on my knees in front of the chair and prayed in the spirit and flipped through my Bible like he was doing. He would pray in the spirit a little while, and then he'd quote a verse that he saw in the Word that pertained to the wisdom of God. For instance, in Corinthians where it says, "Jesus has been made unto us wisdom." Then, he went to James where it said, "If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask in faith nothing wavering, because God gives liberally." He started off finding verses that pertained to what he was believing God for, and then he quoted them. As he spoke them out, I would turn to those verses and read them as well. Not out loud, but I would follow along and read them as he spoke them out loud. Then there were quiet times. I noticed he would get real quiet and listen. We did that for about two hours that first morning. Then he said, "Well, let's go ahead and clean up and go have some breakfast." The next morning, we did the same thing. We met at 6 a.m. and went through basically the same process. After breakfast that morning, he called me to his room, and he said, "I believe I've got the mind of Christ on how we're going to start this television ministry. I've got the basic format." Then he said, "I'm believing God to pay cash for this. It's going to take a lot of money for us to go to the television studio in Dallas. But I believe I've got the mind of God on this. But first, we've got to plant a seed in order to get a harvest to pay for this." Of course, I was agreeing to everything, but I was really listening to how he planned to do this more than anything else. I was learning how to tap into the wisdom of God, and I was learning how to appropriate that wisdom once I received it. He said, "Now, we've got to have the money for the television programs, and we've got to have the money for a new airplane. You know I don't borrow money. We pay cash for everything we do. Obviously, there's no way to do this except that we first plant seed. I've got to plant my best seed. The best seed I've got is my airplane. I'm going to give my airplane away." How Are We Gonna Get Home? Usually when he said he was going to give something away, he did it right then. So, I was concerned about my ride home. I didn't say, "Praise God!" I just kept quiet and acted like I by Jerry Savelle You can't live on someone else's revelation; it's got to be a revelation to you.

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