Denver Catholic

2022_DC Magazine_July

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11 DENVER CATHOLIC | JULY 2022 their vocation as shepherds of the Church. This is the first time in recent years all the bishops in a state offered an exhortation on the worthiness of receiving Holy Commu- nion, especially in respect to one's view on abortion. Dobbs may be a national turning point for America, with a new generation of pro-life advocates moving the no-lon- ger-silent majority to promote for life. Because over one million babies (3,000 per day) are being killed in the womb every year in the U.S., one fifth of the millennial/Gen Z gen- eration is missing. Yet, a recent survey by The Institute for Pro-Life Advancement found that over 70% of registered voters age 18-34 favored some limits on abortion. The enthusiasm of the pro-life movement can also be seen in the predominance of pro-life student groups on college cam- puses, which outnumber Planned Parenthood groups four- to-one. And mothers have more resources than ever before. Students for Life America recently launched standing-, which provides a reference tool for mothers and families to find pre-and-postnatal centers near them as alternatives to abortion. According to Students for Life, 2,752 pro-life pregnancy centers exist across the country, compared to 600 Planned Parenthood locations. The Colorado dioceses operate and support several preg- nancy centers and ministries that care for women and fam- ilies prenatal and postnatal. For example, the Archdiocese of Denver's Marisol Health provides a continuum of care for more than 2,000 clients annually; the Diocese of Pueblo hosts 19 Caring Pregnancy Centers that serve over 1,500 families annually; and the Diocese of Colorado Springs supports Life Network's pregnancy centers and is building a new Maternity Home, Mater Filius, that will house and support pregnant and homeless moms. Our state's pro-life coalition, Pro-Life Colorado, is in the beginning stages of its unification, but it has great plans for the future to turn the tide of abortion extremism in Colo- rado and cultivate a culture that values life at every stage and condition. Photo by André Escaleira, Jr.

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