Denver Catholic

2022_DC Magazine_July

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14 JULY 2022 | DENVER CATHOLIC Y ou can have THE HEART OF A SERVANT when you give to the Archbishop's Catholic Appeal. Please consider becoming a recurring monthly donor. 20 22 "[T]he measure of success," it says, is "in being who one is meant to be: a son or daughter of the Father, open to truth, pursuing goodness, transformed by beauty, and made for eternal life with God. While material success may follow from this, it is not the essential aim of education in a Catholic school." 2 It is no accident that at the same time our archdiocese is articulating this recalibration of success in education, we have also taken significant steps toward making our Catholic elementary and high schools more accessible to students with special needs. Elias Moo, the superintendent of our Catholic Schools, has made it clear that we must commit the resources necessary "so all God's children can access a Catholic education." 3 In the words of Abriana Chilelli, associate superintendent, "The aim of our curriculum and pedagogy is to form students to be able to see reality, and to love deeply, and that necessarily includes all people." 4 The Office of Catholic Schools and the pastors and prin- cipals of particular schools are working toward this goal in partnership with the FIRE Foundation of Denver, which raises money specifically to enable Catholic schools in the archdiocese to create environments where students of all abilities learn, grow and thrive. Founded less than a year 2   School of the Lord's Service: A Framework for Forming Disciples in Catholic Education (Archdiocese of Denver: Office of Catholic Schools, 2020), 9. archden. 3   State of the Archdiocese of Denver Update, March 10, 2022, beginning at 44:30. 4   E-mail 6.9.2022

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