SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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POINTS LEADERS 2022 SCORE SEASON CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS LEADERS SCORE point regulations has all four races counting for final points toward season point championships. Racers are allowed one substitute driver/rider for the season but the driver/rider of record has to either start or finish the season-ending SCORE Baja 1000. SCORE points are calculated on a set amount of start points and finish points for each race along with a variable amount for placement points for finishers based onthe number of starters within each class. For more info and stats on this season's points leaders and more, visit the SCORE Fan Pages (add link). OVERALL SEASON POINTS LEADER Chris Polvoorde, SCORE TT Spec (255) SCORE TROPHY TRUCK Rob MacCachren (246) SCORE TROPHY TRUCK LEGENDS Gustavo Vildosola Sr. (214) CLASS 1 Kyle Quinn (209) SCORE TROPHY TRUCK SPEC Chris Polvoorde (255) CLASS 10 Ivan Tagle (217) PRO UTV FI AND PRO UTV OVERALL TIE Edgar Garcia Leon (229) Justin Lambert (229) PRO UTV NA Joe Bolton (208) PRO UTV OPEN Mike Cafro (204) PRO STOCK UTV Anibol Lopez Dominic (211) SPORTSMAN UTV OPEN Gerard Kelly (115)

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