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• National Extension Association of Family
and Consumer Sciences
The Sugar Association's Field to Table
STEAM packet, designed for grades
7-12, is one of the resources that plainly
displays the integration of these disciplines.
Students learn about sugar's history, how it
is naturally made by plants, its impact on the
environment, why it is added to foods and
more. The lessons have also been adapted
into videos suitable for the classroom
(including closed captions), giving teachers
more options to fit their teaching needs.
The packet is available in print and digital
formats and can also be ordered on a thumb
drive that includes the accompanying videos.
Other popular STEM.org accredited
resources available to educators include:
• How Well Do You Know Sugar?
• 9 Misunderstandings About Sugar
• Making Sense of Added Sugars on the
New Nutrition Facts Label
• Types of Sugar
• Sugar's Role in Food
• Resource Toolkits for Grades K-2, 3-6,
and 7-12
And more found on sugar.org.
An Enthusiastic Audience
The 27,000 FCS educators across the
United States have long been a priority
audience for the Sugar Association, given
their desire for science-based educational
resources and for the opportunity to
educate the next generation of consumers
about real sugar. Whether we are sharing
resources through more traditional methods
such as educator conferences or leveraging
opportunities to partner on a webinar, we
always hear how valuable our materials are
to this group.
While educators have already been
using our print materials and videos to
teach about the many facets of sugar, we
now have the STEM.org accreditation
providing outside validity to the value of the
resources we offer. These professionals have
many resources available to them, but this
accreditation gives assurance that the Sugar
Association name is one they can trust. n