SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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28 22 40 CONTENTS 03| PUBNOTE Dual Celebrations 04| TALKING DIRT New Editorial by Dan Sanchez 07| NEWS City Of Ensenada, Mexico Announces SCORE Day SCORE BAJA 500 PREVIEW SECTION 15| GAME ON Racers Prepare For The 55th BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 500 28| SCORE BAJA 500 GRAND MARSHALS Ivan Stewart And Johnny Campbell Join Sal Fish As Co-Grand Marshals 32| 2023 SCORE SEASON CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS LEADERS Lists Of The Points Leaders By Class 34| SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 36| COURSE MAP 40| THE FIRST SCORE BAJA INTERNATIONAL 1974 Brought The First SCORE Baja Race With Sal Fish As President 55th SCORE JOURNAL 5 15

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