Northshore Magazine

Northshore June/July 2023

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 72 JUNE + JULY 2023 I N D E P T H After too many months enduring the fickleness of New England weather, nothing beats the simple pleasure of a beer outdoors. The days are longer, the sleeves are shorter, and the patio spaces of breweries across the North Shore open up for beer drinkers to take full advantage. The simple pleasure of imbibing in the sun is not lost on Jay Bullen, the owner of Amesbury's Brewery Silvaticus. "For most of us, the long New England winter builds anticipation and appreciation for the warmer months," he says. "Nothing tastes quite as invigorating and satisfying as that first gulp of lager beer while soaking in the sunshine shoulder to shoulder with other revelers in the beer garden. If fresh air, fresh libations, good company doesn't make you happy, well then there may be no saving you." Plus, having a beer outside should be relaxed, informal, and communal. So says Notch Brewing's founder Chris Lohring. "Unlike a restaurant patio, no one is trying to turn your table or handing you a check to move you along," he says. "You don't even need to consume food, just grab a beer and hang. . . . You can move around from table to table to see friends." New England is home to some of the country's finest breweries. On the North Shore, there is no shortage of spots to link up with some beer-drinking buddies, take the family for an afternoon adventure, or just roll solo. All this can be done in pursuit of some of the areas finest in lagers, IPAs, sours, and stouts. Here are five we love to visit: BREWERY SILVATICUS, AMESBURY In Amesbury, Jay Bullen and his wife, Michelle Riaz, have attempted to faithfully recreate the atmosphere that emulates an afternoon spent at a European beer garden. "[We offer] good music, great service, communal seating, and authentic lager beer," says Bullen. Brewery Silvaticus in Amesbury has become a community hot spot for beer lovers.

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