Denver Catholic

2023_DC Magazine_October

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Denver's own Sister Mercy Marie makes solemn profession as Sister of Life "A re not our hearts burning within us with love and bursting with joy to wit- ness the profession of these seven sis- ters?" asked Mother Mary Concepta, SV, the new Superior General of the Sisters of Life, at the conclusion of the Aug. 5 Profession of Final Vows at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. Many hearts in Denver, too, were burning with love and bursting with joy as Sister Mercy Marie, SV, a daughter of Denver, gave her yes to the Lord Jesus' call for the rest of her life. "There's a deep, deep joy," Sister Mercy told the Denver Catholic leading up to her final vows. "I feel very hum- bled and a little amazed at his choice, but also joy that it is his choice." O n July 22, the Feast of Mary Magdalene, Sister Assunta Kunz of the Abbey of St. Walburga made her solemn profession of faith as a Benedictine nun and thereby vowed herself perpetually to Christ the Bridegroom. Her profession was the second this year for the Abbey of St. Walburga, an idyllic monastery nestled in the quaint hills of Virginia Dale at the northern border of Colorado. The nuns there commit to a life of obedience, stability and to the monastic way of life where they live out the Benedictine charism of ora et labora — prayer and work. These religious women are as comfortable contemplating the mystery of the Trinity in a chapel as they are driv- ing tractors and tending the horses in the stables. "I have always loved that saying, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' And I don't mean that I became a nun so that everyone in the world will become a nun! I mean that I became a nun to give God the first place in my heart, and to follow where I felt He was leading me," Sister Assunta told the Denver Catholic. "This is the change that I wish to see in the world — that everyone will give God the first place in their hearts, and follow where He leads them, whether it is to the consecrated life, married life, or single life." C O L O R A B N E R E R R D R O N E L O O S E Z O O V A L E S O H G O D E M S I L L H U M O R T U R K E Y O L A F D E C O F O R T Y C E R E B R U M B L I S S D A V I D A T A T E L E C O M I C M I T T U S E E A S E L M O S E S S H R A P N E L R A R E R R I O S B E N D A S S I G N C A V I E Z E L C O N R I D E R A C E T O T W O A Z U R E C A S T S S S W M E E T S S I T E S m o c . s c i l o h t a c r o f s e m a g d r o w . w w w Abbey of St. Walburga nun solemnly vows her life to Christ the Bridegroom LOCAL N E WS Join Archbishop Aquila's Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe T his January, join Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the world's most celebrated Marian apparition site! On this once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage, you will explore the beautiful Cathedral of Mexico Cit y, learn about Juan Diego and the history of the miraculous Tilma, and visit Girlstown to witness the ' fruits' of Our Lady's evangelization in Mexico. A limited number of spots are available, so we encourage booking as soon as possible. Join Archbishop Aquila on a Pilgrimage to Guadalupe! January 11-15 H I G H L I G H T S » Visit the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe » Venerate Remains of Bl. Miguel Pro » See the crypt of Bl. Conchita Cabrera » See the fruits of Our Lady's evangelization » And more! Trip includes meals, 4-star accommodations, luxury transportation, local Catholic tour manager, daily mass, and time with Archbishop Aquila! Register by Oct. 9 for discounted pricing. Scan the QR code or use the link below to learn more and book online. Visit: 40 OCTOBER 2023 | DENVER CATHOLIC

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