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2 I CATHOLIC LIFE AUGUST 14, 2013 I DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER ARCHBISHOP'S COLUMN Local Polish parish rejoices No at WYD 2016 Krakow site BY JUL MOST REV. SAMUEL J. AQUILA 20 years later, John Paul II's challenge remains "I am confident that you have grasped the scale of the challenge that lies before you, and that you will have the wisdom and courage to meet that challenge," Blessed John Paul II wrote to those attending World Youth Day in 1993. "So much depends on you." I'll never forget those words. Nor will I forget the experience of Blessed John Paul II's Colorado visit for World Youth Day in 1993. His impact on the Church in Colorado was tremendous and far exceeded expectations. So, too, was his impact on my life. The message of John Paul II to our nation was a challenge. At World Youth Day, he challenged us to live the WORLD YOUTH Gospel boldly, to transform our nation—to build a DAY ANNIVERSARY culture of life in America. MASS To build a culture at which Jesus Christ is the center. What: 20th anniversary The message was a celebration of World Youth personal challenge. John Day 1993 Paul II challenged each When: starts 4 p.m. Aug. 15 of us to holiness, and to with music, testimonies and true discipleship in Jesus videos; archbishop to celeChrist. He challenged us, brate Mass at 6:30 p.m. in his words, his actions, in Where: John Paul II Center, his very life, to love more 1300 S. Steele St., Denver radically than we believed Who: All are invited possible. But he also gave the tools Cost: free; parking available to do so. The genius of Questions: call 303-715-3230 John Paul II was to ask, on behalf of Jesus Christ, for greatness, and then to show that greatness was a possibility. Consider the impact of John Paul II's "Theology of the Body." Nothing has more clearly demonstrated to me how much we are made to love as male and female, and how important our love is. Or consider the witness of John Paul II's suffering. The suffering of his life in Nazi and Communist Poland. The suffering of being shot in St. Peter's Square. And, ultimately, the suffering he endured with Parkinson's. He embraced the cross of Jesus Christ and gave witness to the world of a deep faith in Christ. His witness revealed to all of us the possibility of holiness. And, at World Youth Day, that witness began a transformation of our diocese, our city and our nation. Consider the strength of the Church in Denver. Consider the faith and enthusiasm of our priests, deacons, religious and laity. Consider the many lay apostolates, like FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), the Augustine Institute, and Endow that communicate the faith. Consider the vibrant ecclesial movements that vivify the lives of so many of our faithful and their parishes. And consider the holy families, holy men and women, and holy children that comprise our communities. So much of what we have can be attributed to World Youth Day, and the witness of John Paul II. Last month, I spent time in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, at World Youth Day with Pope Francis. I suspect his witness—his love for the poor, his simplicity, his pastoral charity, will transform that city as well. It did while he was there and it will certainly continue. And I know that it transformed hearts and minds as I witnessed in the diocesan groups who made the pilgrimage to Rio as well as in the young people I catechized from so many different English speaking countries, including countries where they are persecuted for their faith. This week, we will celebrate with Mass, hearts filled with gratitude to the Father, the 20th anniversary of World Youth Day in Denver. I pray that you will join us. I pray that together we can give thanks for the great graces God has See Aquila, Page 4 BY CINDY BROVSKY When Pope Francis recently announced World Youth Day 2016 will be celebrated in Krakow, Poland, a congregation in north Denver beamed with extra joy. St. Joseph Polish, the oldest continuous Polish parish in the Rockies, has a deep connection with Pope John Paul II. The former bishop of Krakow started World Youth Day in 1988 and celebrated the event in the Mile High City in 1993. Earlier this summer, the church received a relic of Pope John Paul II—a drop of blood in a small vile, which is stored at the historic church along with a bone relic from Polish St. Faustina. "We feel a special bond with St. Faustina and Pope John Paul II," said parishioner Szymon Lobocki. "We consider them both as our parishioners and real members of our parish." Lobocki came within close proximity of Pope John Paul II as a youth in Krakow. The pope was visiting a children's hospital when Lobocki was riding past on his bicycle. At 14, Lobocki came to the United States and while attending the University of Illinois drove with other college Polish immigrants to see Pope John Paul II at World Youth Day in Toronto. "It was a great experience," he recalled. "We bonded driving in a van to World Youth Day and then with our peers from all over the world. " St. Joseph Polish Pastor Father Marek Ciesla, also a native of Poland who celebrated Mass with Pope John Paul II, expects members of his church to make the trip to Krakow. "The memory of Pope John Paul is very much alive in the community of Denver," he said. "Every place Pope John Paul went, especially World Youth Day, he changed the face of the city. He gave young people and people of all ages the fire to do wonderful things." At its 100th anniversary in There at the Va thousan siasts r Harleyversary Four around off June Milwau manufa meet w Vatican the sel Colo., a Uhl, ent in culture man-Ro ing, wa clusive Francis used fo "I wa portun PHOTO PROVIDED COURTESY ST. JOSEPH PARISH, GLOBEVILLE PARTICIPANTS in St. Joseph Polish Church's first bike pilgrimage in 2012 Catholi versatio pose for a photo before traveling to Cherry Creek State Park. July 30. Faithful to pump pedals, flex muscle in honor of 1993 WYD BY NISSA LAPOINT This year the community of St. Joseph Polish Church will flex a little muscle to remember Pope John Paul II. In honor of the late pontiff and the World Youth Day tradition he started, Father Marek Ciesla and dozens of parishioners will bike from Denver to Cherry Creek State Park Aug. 17 to mark the 20th anniversary of Denver's youth gathering. The church invites all other faithful to join them in remembering Denver's Aug. 15, 1993, World Youth Day when the Polish pope celebrated Mass before some half a million people at the park. Since the pope was known for his enjoyment of skiing across snowy mountains, hiking and kayaking, Father Ciesla said they decided to organize a bicycling pilgrimage. "We want to emphasize the pope's openness to sports and the need for young people to do some physical exercise," Father Ciesla said. "We want to honor him and we thought this would be a good way to do that." All ages are invited to join the group for the 19-mile pilgrimage to exercise their spirit and bodies. After 8 a.m. Mass at the Denver parish, the pilgrims will bike together along the Platte River and down the Cherry BICYCLING PILGRIMAGE Honor Pope John Paul II and remember the 1993 Denver World Youth Day by biking with faithful to Cherry Creek State Park. When: starts with 8 a.m. Mass Aug. 17 Where: St. Joseph Polish Church, 517 E. 46th Ave., Denver Pilgrimage: leaves 9 a.m. from the parish and arrives at the park, 4201 S. Parker Road in Aurora, at noon Refreshments: at 12:20 p.m. at the park RSVP: to 303-296-3219 or Map of pilgrimage path: Creek bike paths before reaching the park in Aurora at noon. There the group will say prayers and sing to commemorate the historic site where the pope led the youth gathering. "We extend an invitation to other parishes to join us from the beginning at St. Joseph or, if you prefer to begin at your own parish, meet us at Cherry Creek," Father Ciesla said. Pizza and water will be provided after the pilgrimage. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER CIRCULATION CUSTOMER SERVICE: 303-722-4687 OR CIRCULATION@ARCHDEN.ORG Published by the Archdiocese of Denver, 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO 80210 General Manager Karna Swanson Denver Catholic Register (USPS 557-020) is published weekly except the last week of December and the first week of January, and in June, July and August when it goes bi-weekly. The Register is printed by The Denver Post LLC in Denver. Periodical postage paid in Denver, CO. Editor Roxanne King Subscriptions: $35 a year in Colorado; $42 per year out of state. Foreign countries: $42 surface, all countries, 6-8 weeks for delivery; $135 air, all other countries (average). Mexico, $48 air; Canada, $55 air. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Denver Catholic Register, Circulation Dept., 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO 80210 or e-mail Advertising Sales Manager Michael O'Neill Editorial: 303-715-3215 or Advertising: 303-715-3253 or Circulation: 303-715-3211 or Online: