Denver Catholic

DCR - August 14, 2013

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HEALTH I 11 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER I AUGUST 14, 2013 Fort Collins faithful fund hospital for poor in Nigeria BY NISSA LAPOINT A group of Fort Collins Catholics reached into their pockets to help the poorest of the poor living in Nigeria. Parishioners from Blessed John XXIII Parish in Fort Collins and other faithful responded to the medical needs of the poor in the Diocese of Umuahia, Nigeria, by raising money to build a Catholic hospital. "It's a phenomenal project," said Betty Scheetz, a donor from the parish. Before the hospital was built, Nigerians in the city of Umuahia were treated in a dirt-floor basement where there was no water, lights or roof. In the rural areas, residents would walk in droves for three hours before reaching a once-a-month clinic. Otherwise, poor Nigerians could not afford the upfront costs of government or privately-owned hospitals. "They would not go to a doctor or clinic unless it was free because they couldn't afford it," Scheetz said. Fort Collins parishioners discovered the poor medical conditions after Father Francis Nwaiwu came from Nigeria to serve as assistant pastor at Blessed John XXIII. He has since returned to his diocese. With the help of other donors, parishioners collected medical supplies and funds to complete construction on a three-level building in Umuahia now called the Madonna Catholic Hospital. The hospital gives free care to the poor. SUPPORT THE MADONNA CATHOLIC HOSPITAL Blessed John XXIII Parish in Fort Collins is accepting donations to support the final construction needs and operating costs of Madonna Hospital in Nigeria. Make checks payable to: Blessed John XXIII; write in the memo line "Madonna Hospital." Address: 1220 University Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521 Questions: Call 970-420-8175 In 2011, Scheetz and five parishioners traveled to bring suitcases of medical supplies and funds to help complete the hospital. Recently, with the sponsorship of the Knights of Columbus and the parish, faithful raised an extra $22,000 to add tile, light fixtures and windows to the third floor in addition to supporting its operating costs. "We're collecting any last donations people want to send," Scheetz said. With these last funds, Madonna Hospital can provide 24-hour medical care. Those who wish to assist with the construction project may send donations to Blessed John XXIII Parish. Nissa LaPoint: 303-715-3138; nissa.; DCRegisterNissa InformatIon SeSSIonS: LIght of the WorLd CathoLIC ChurCh 10306 West Bowles avenue, Littleton, Co 80127 Monday August 19 7:00pm St. mary CathoLIC ChurCh 2222 23rd avenue, greeley, Co 80634 Tuesday August 20 7:00pm St. franCeS CaBrInI CathoLIC ChurCh notre dame CathoLIC ChurCh 2190 South Sheridan Blvd, denver, Co 80219 Thursday August 29 7:00pm John PauL II Center for the neW evangeLIzatIon 9:30am 7:00pm 9:30am 9:30am 7:00pm Registration deadline for 1st-year students is Thursday, September 5, 2013. Pillars: A Journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church 6673 West Chatfield avenue, Littleton, Co 80128 Thursday August 22 9:30am 1300 South Steele Street, denver, Co 80210 Tuesday August 27 Tuesday August 27 Thursday August 29 Tuesday September 3 Thursday September 5 New Classes for Fall 2013 St. Joseph [Fort Collins], Monday 9:30am-11:30am St. Joseph [Golden], Thursday 7:00-9:00pm Sacramental Imagination: Theology through Art Dr. Jared Staudt John Paul II Center, Wednesday 7:00-8:30pm Apologetics for the New Evangelization: Practical Catholicism John LaBarbara Our Lady of Fatima, Monday 7:00pm to 8:30pm St. John the Evangelist [Loveland], Thursday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

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