Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee Island

2024 Savannah and Tybee Island Insider Guide

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Shop to It TAKE HOME UNIQUELY SAVANNAH TREASURES FROM LOCAL STOREFRONTS 1. River Street 8"x8" Print, 18Loves Art, from $35 2. Raw Frosted Honey, Capital Bee Co., from $8 3. Bird Girl Holiday Tree Ornament, Telfair Museums, $40 4. Brooklyn Zip Wallet, Satchel, $58 5. Cheese Straws, The Savannah Cheese Straw Company, from $16 6. Ashley Jones Cyanotype, shopSCAD, from $190 7. Seersucker Bubble Bath, Salacia Salts, $26 8. Brackish Hagood Pin, J. Parker Ltd., $65 9. Savannah Sweet Heat BBQ Sauce, Savannah Sauce Co., $10 10. Floral Cutting Board, Syd Nichole, $35 from $8 TAKE HOME UNIQUELY SAVANNAH TREASURES FROM LOCAL STOREFRONTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 42 |

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