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Roseate Spoonbill @ K E L L I _ M I L L S _ P H O T O G R A P H Y A BIRDER'S PARADISE Home to more than 211 bird species, Fort Pulaski, Tybee Island and Li le Tybee are perfect des na ons for observing migratory birds Year round, Tybee Islanders o en see and hear the American oyster- catcher, great blue heron, black and yellow crowned night heron, green heron, great egret, snowy egret, Louisiana heron, black skimmer, clapper rail, osprey, brown pelican, cormorant and willet. In the winter, Tybee Island sees a variety of ducks and waterfowl, including buffl ehead, merganser (both hooded and red breasted), loons and scoters. North Beach near the Tybee Island Light Sta on and Museum off ers fantas c birdwatching. From the beach, you will see the northern ganne , various terns, ducks and gulls fl ying off shore or probing in the sand for food. The purple sandpiper can o en be found hanging out along the rock je y. The island's many nature trails host a variety of birds. McQueen's Island Trail and the Sally Pearce Nature Trail are wonderful places to spot warblers, the painted bun ng and other vocal birds. Take a boat or kayak for a ride through Tybee's intracoastal waterways and marshlands to glimpse the black and yellow crowned night heron, great blue heron, green heron, great egret, snowy egret, Louisiana heron, osprey, brown pelican and many others. @ K E L L I _ M I L L S _ P H O T O G R A P H Y NORTH BEACH BIRDING TRAIL: Walk west from the Tybee Island Light Sta on and Museum down North Beach into the bird sanctuary. Access to the beach is through the North Beach parking area, located behind Fort Screven on Meddin Drive. SALLY PEARCE NATURE TRAIL: This short trail is located on the south side of U.S. Highway 80 East at Fi h Avenue. MCQUEEN'S ISLAND TRAIL: This trail follows the path of the former Savannah and Tybee Railroad. Entry and parking is at Fort Pulaski. BLUE HERON NATURE TRAIL: This trail is also off of U.S. Highway 80 East, but on the north side of the street, opposite Lewis Avenue, almost right across from the Sally Pearce Nature Trail. NATURE TRAILS @ K E L L I _ M I L L S _ P H O T O G R A P H Y Great Blue Heron Seagull Great Blue Heron Seagull 66 |