Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee Island

2024 Savannah and Tybee Island Insider Guide

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This publication's cover and contents are fully protected and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Visit Savannah. Copyright 2023–2024 Visit Savannah. GOOD DAY, AND WELCOME TO SAVANNAH, TYBEE ISLAND AND THE CHATHAM COUNTY AREA — WE'RE GLAD YOU'RE HERE! If this is a return trip to our area, thank you for being a loyal visitor. If it's your fi rst visit, on behalf of nearly 350,000 area residents and the 27,000+ employees who make up our hospitality community, you are in for an exceptional experience. Our repeat visitors tell us they are drawn to the Savannah/Tybee Island area again and again, lured by our year-round, almost always perfect weather, signature coastal cuisine, outstanding museums and attractions and, of course, our beaches. We truly are two bucket-list destinations in one and a community that opens its arms and welcomes all. Our boutiques and retail experiences make fi nding that treasure to remember easier than ever. And our unparalleled offering of historical sites, landmarks and tours make the area's amazing history almost come to life. Our vast array of lodging options, including everything from the fi nest boutique hotels and vacation rentals to properties with the nation's most recognizable brands, ensures we can meet any budget or taste. We encourage you to visit one of our fi ve regional Visitor Information Centers in Savannah and on Tybee Island, where our friendly team of First Impression Specialists can help you craft a perfect itinerary to match everything that interests you about our beloved area. This Insider's Guide will help you discover Savannah's intrinsic mystery, charm and beauty and the unique beach town of Tybee Island. We hope your visit will be memorable and keep you returning to our destination for many years. Joseph Marinelli President, Visit Savannah & Visit Tybee Island WELCOME TO Savannah & Tybee Island! V I S I T S A V A N N A H Savannah 16 Savannah Essentials 18 Hip to be Square 20 See What's Fresh 23 Savannah's Neighborhoods 32 Must-Try Dishes 34 Let's Toast 36 Black Heritage Experience 38 Spirited Away 40 A Bit on the Weird Side 42 Shop to It 44 Plan Your Calendar Tybee Island 52 Tybee Island Bucket List 54 Freshest Finds 56 Which Beach Fits You Best 58 Indulge the Senses 60 Sips and Sweets 62 Get on the Water 64 Tybee Island Marine Science Center 65 Tybee's Turtles 66 A Birder's Paradise 68 Tybee Island Take-Homes 70 Only on Tybee Island 72 Stay Awhile 74 Young at Heart Planning Essentials 78 Places to Stay 86 Food & Drink 94 Shopping 99 Entertainment 102 Arts & Culture 106 Outdoor 108 Tours & Adventure 111 Travel Services 114 Weddings 116 Transportation 116 Getting Here & Getting Around O N T H E C O V E R : C O U R T E S Y J W M A R R I O T T S A V A N N A H P L A N T R I V E R S I D E D I S T R I C T (top left ), C A S E Y J O N E S P H O T O G R A P H Y (center), C O U R T E S Y S A V A N N A H C O L L E G E O F A R T A N D D E S I G N (bottom left ); A L A N W I L L E T T (bottom center), C O U R T E S Y S A V A N N A H M U S I C F E S T I V A L / E L I Z A B E T H L E I T Z E L L (bottom right ), V I S I T S A V A N N A H (all others) 8 |

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