SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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CONTINGENCY AND TECH DAYS SCORE Fans Flood The Malecon To Meet Racers And Teams By Dan Sanchez Photos by Get Some Photo One of the greatest things about SCORE off-road racing is that fans get to meet and see their favorite racers, vehicles, and teams up close on the streets of the race host town. Tens of thousands of people gathered into the San Felipe Malecon to experience Contingency and Tech day the Friday before the start of the King Shocks 37th SCORE San Felipe 250 Race. Race vehicles lined up the streets early that morning, waiting to be interviewed by SCORE announcers Rat Sult, Dave Arnold, and Gabriel Garcia for the SCORE Live Stream which went out to an international online audience. The vibe on the street is one of the best fiestas fans can experience with food, swag vendors, and the ability to take photos with and get autographs with the racers in attendance. SCORE sponsors also lined the streets, and were on hand to help racers and off-road enthusiasts with information and installation assistance with their products. SJ

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