KCM Australia

BVOV Magazine May 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at www.freevictory.com.

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3 0 : B V O V MAY BVOV BROADCAST CALENDAR April 29-May 3 Walking by Faith In God's Plan Kenneth Copeland w/André & Jenny Roebert Sun., May 5 God's Word Is Your Faith Checklist for Life Kenneth Copeland May 6-10 Faith To Fulfill the Plan of God Kenneth Copeland w/André and Jenny Roebert Sun., May 12 Faith Keeps Its Eye on God's WORD Kenneth Copeland May 13-17 End-Time Warnings and Instructions: Part 1 Pastors George & Terri Copeland Pearsons Sun., May 19 God's WORD Is Your Confession of Faith Kenneth Copeland May 20-24 End-Time Warnings and Instructions: Part 2 Pastors George & Terri Copeland Pearsons Sun., May 26 Become a Master of the Fundamentals of Faith Kenneth Copeland May 27-31 The Key to Divine Health Kenneth Copeland WATCH ON Broadcasts subject to change without notice C H A N N E L ® Kenneth Copeland André & Jenny Roebert George Pearsons Terri Copeland Pearsons Romans 8:16 calls the inward "witness" of the Holy Spirit. I'll never forget when I first began learning to consciously tune in to the inward witness. I was just getting started in ministry. I had some services coming up and I wanted with all my heart to hear from the Lord and do in those services exactly what He wanted. So I prayed, "Lord, teach me how to walk in the spirit. Teach me how to be sensitive and responsive to You." The very first night after I prayed that, I was sitting next to my brother Doug in a service where Ken was preaching when I thought of a particular verse of Scripture. The verse didn't really have anything to do with Ken's message, but for some reason I turned to it in my Bible and showed it to Doug. "Why did you show me that?" he asked. I didn't know why. I just wanted to do it. It just seemed very natural to me. As it turned out, only a moment earlier the Lord had spoken to Doug about getting up in the service and sharing a word with the congregation. He was reluctant because it wasn't like him to speak from the platform, so he'd asked the Lord for confirmation. Sure enough, the verse I showed him contained the exact confirmation he needed and he got up and gave the word. I know that sounds simple, but God was teaching us that evening how to hear from Him—and He'll teach you too. He'll teach all of us if we just stick with His program. If we keep fellowshipping with Him day by day, He'll help us learn to walk in the supernatural as naturally as a fish swims in water or a bird flies in the air. Then, no matter what kinds of problems we might face, we can conquer them with heaven's solutions. Like the Church in the book of Acts, we can walk in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and enjoy the rest that comes from the presence of God! churches is because Christians aren't taking the time to fellowship with THE Counselor. They're not tuning in to His voice and following the prescription given in James 5:13. It says, "Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray…" (New International Version). The Bible doesn't say anywhere that when we're in trouble we should go talk to 45 people about it. It doesn't tell us to go get a lot of human advice. It tells us that when we have problems, we should take them to God and find out what He has to say. I remember many years ago on Christian television, I saw an interview with someone from a very large church. She said in their church, when members are having marital problems or whatever, the pastoral staff doesn't bring them in for a counseling appointment. Instead they tell the person to fast and pray for 36 hours. Then if they still want to see a pastor for counseling, they can. Usually after people have spent that much time fellowshipping with the Lord, they don't need any pastoral counseling. They've heard from heaven and they not only know what to do, but they've been energized by God to do it. So, even though this particular church had over a million members, their counseling load remained relatively light! Obviously, I'm not suggesting you have to fast and pray for 36 hours every time you want to hear from God. Not at all! Normally, if you just spend an hour or so a day with Him in the Word and in prayer, you'll be able to hear from Him all the time. How will you hear from Him? Not on the outside, but on the inside. Not with the ears on your head but with the ears of your heart. As 1 Corinthians 3:16 (New King James Version) says, "You are the temple of God and…the Spirit of God dwells in you." He's constantly communicating with your born-again spirit—sometimes through words that seem to come from deep within you, and even more often through "promptings" (Romans 7:6, AMPC), impressions, or what The unseen realities of God are bigger to you than what your physical eyes can see so you're able to walk by faith, which means you can overcome every natural challenge." "

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