Idaho Falls

Eastern Idaho State Fair Guide 2010

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FAir plAy For ForeiGner Q&A with Jeff Pilson Interview & text by Kaisja Clark FOREIGNER, ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR contemporary adult soft rock bands for the past 33 years is taking the stage at the Easter Idaho State Fair to share the best of their music. We were lucky enough to catch up with Jeff Pilson, formerly of the ’80s-era staple hard rock band Dokken, for a chat about the upcoming concert. Pilson has a true rock musician’s bio—singer, bass guitar- ist, a film role with Jennifer Aniston and Mark Wahlberg, and his musical additions to the bands Dio, MSG, War and Peace and Lynch/ Pilson. Here’s what Foreigner’s talented bass guitarist had to say about the highly-antici- pated Sept. 9 concert. hAVe you eVer Been to idAho BeFore? Yes I have, I’ve been to Boise and to Idaho Falls. It’s a great place; it’s very a beautiful place. 42 East idaho statE fair GuidE | 2010 At the concert Will the set Be most- ly neW music From the cAn’t sloW doWn AlBum or do you Guys plAy the old BAllAds? We will be playing at least two songs from the new record, but Foreigner has so many hits, so really there are so many we have to do. So there will be some new music, but lots of the old standbys. WhAt’s it like WorkinG With GrAmmy AWArd Winner mick Jones? I love working with Mick, he is a fabulous guy, and I can’t say enough about him. He’s a great band leader, great writer and very tal- ented. He’s very generous to us to allow us to be active with the band. Plus, he’s got some great stories to tell from his years touring. leAd sinGer kelly hAnsen’s Voice hAs An eerie similArity to lou GrAmm’s Voice And he Almost resemBles Aerosmith’s steVen tyler. since you Were oriGinAlly With dokken, do you striVe For thAt clAssic ForeiGner sound or do you BrinG your oWn musicAl style to the BAnd? We all do pretty much what’s natural to us. A lot of people think that because Dokken was a heavy metal band that was so radically different from Foreigner, that it would be a difficult transition for me. But with Dokken, we wanted to be heavy but melodic and in many ways those early Foreigner hits were hard rock but with a good melody…they were a very big influence on me, so it’s very second nature to be a part of Foreigner. It’s the same thing with Kelly...he was in heavy metal band prior to joining Foreigner, but really the old R&B is what influences Foreigner so it’s a pretty natu- ral fit for where Foreigner comes from. hoW’s your summer tour GoinG? hAs it Been A diFFerent eXperience this time Around since you VeterAn rock- ers Are A little older And hoW shAll We sAy this… more settled doWn? thursdAy, septemBer 9

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